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Don Quixote in the novel the hero formerly known as Jiao Alun Suojihada is a township-kun, he read the then popular novel knights of society into the fan, and he is trying to imitate knight go Ranger. From his well-known antiquities in, find a pair of run-down incomplete armor, Don Quixote Delamanqia own name, but also identified a servant Sancho, and a neighboring village milking girl, named Du Erxiniya, as the service of a loved one whom his life. Then ride a skinny horse, away from home. Don Quixote is also, according to his mind the idea of the eccentric act to windmill as a giant, the sheep as the enemy, the victims of slave labor as a knight, a giant head as a wine bag, regardless of indiscriminate, hack chaos kill, sudden, many ridiculous things, his actions not only with people useless, and he is suffering a beating. After his last home bedridden, dying only understand the situation. He intestate, the only heir niece, such as married Knight, on the abolition of their right to inheritance.

At first glance, Don Quixote, I think it's just a ridiculous vulgarity of making, ownership neurotic brave spirit of the performance of most vividly in the book, people increasingly despised him. But a careful look, and felt that the book implies a kind of truth. The nature of people's most basic goal is to own desperate to make it happen. In the realization of the process, who super-skinny like a root-like sorghum bachelor knight-errant, who Strange Alliance Pina gentleman, always reflecting his integrity, good nature, it is humanity's most noble spirit, because it is too simple, and only sudden, a number of jokes.

Miguel de Cervantes wrote Don Quixote, the for the hit satire fabrications, the circumstances are bizarre people in the Knights of the novel and its adverse impact. Had intended to write a few short stories, was written was written, his own life experiences and ideals have written into their ideological content becomes richer and more realistic characters, until the Spanish society to the people portrayed disasters brought into Spain at that time that we understand and study the social, political, economic, cultural and customs of an encyclopedia. Miguel de Cervantes in Don Quixote in one hand and commented on the problems and expose and criticize the social evils on the one hand praised getting rid of punishing evil and promoting good, helping the poor and weak economic virtues, extolling the gold century style social ideals and goals . All these are common human feelings, it can pass through time and space, for every age, every nation has a sense of reality. Separated by four centuries later, is still moving forward to every reader. Don Quixote and appeared in nearly 700 personal objects, describe a very broad picture of life, true and comprehensive reflection of the late 16th century to the early 17th century Spain, the feudal social reality and expose the decline of the Kingdom of Spain is moving toward a variety of conflict, condemning the aristocratic class, shameless, weal and woe of the people expressed their deep sympathy. I thought: It is for this reason that prompted this work by the world in 54 countries and regions, 100 authors selected to become the best classic literature classics.










Lots of people may read the masterpiece called Treasure Island.

This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy who lives in a small inn, the Admiral Benbow, run by his parents in Black Hill Cove. The boys name is Jim Hawkins. One day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in Skeleton Island. Then Jim, Dr. Livesey, Captain Smollett and his friend, with a group of sailors, set out journey for the treasure. After a short time, some greed sailors who are led by Long John Silver rebel for the map. These two groups fight fiercely. Evil can never prevail over good. Through each justicial persons effort, Jim and Captain Smollett win the battle. And later then they go back home with the boat filled with treasure.

At the end of the story, Silver runs away with one of the bags of coins, perhaps three or four hundred coins. Captain Smollett no longer goes to sea. Gray, Jims friend, saves his money and now is a half-owner and captain of a fine ship. Ben Gunn, who is marooned by pirates, gets a thousand pounds. However, he spends all his money in three weeks. Then he has to beg and luckily is given a job as a gatekeeper when he comes back.

Though I dont have a chance to adventure as Jim does, the face of Jim often appears in my mind. Jim is a kind-hearted, brave and ambitious boy. He can always find a good way to solve the problems or beat the pirates.

And this book shocks me when I read this part: You are in trouble. Ship lost, treasure lost, men lost. And if you want to know who did itit was me! I was in the apple barrel the night we saw the island, and I heard every word you said. And the ship? It was me who cut her ropes and killed the men aboard herWhy am I shocked? Because I cant believe a young boy has such great courage to say those words, and this is admired by me.

Theres someone I admire, and of course, theres someone I hate, like Silver. What I can only find from the pirates are cruelty and selfishness. He kills people without mercy and even becomes crueler. His sole pursuit of treasure results in his red hand never dry.

Although it is only a novel, the scenes of the novel always come to my mind. It gives me a lesson. We cant be selfish, because the selfish one only focuses on himself and can commit immorality or even crimes when trying to protect his own interest. We can see the justice of the spiritual wealth from Jim.

Whats more, in my point of view, we should save money in the bank instead of wasting it in our daily life. Wasting money is a bad behavior. The less money we use, the higher spirit level we will have. If we use up our money like Ben Gunn one day, we will be in a big trouble.

As a saying goes, No pain, No gain。 If we try our best to do everything as Jim, I think we will make more progress in many fields.

Thats all. Thank you.

2022读后感推荐 堂吉诃德读书心得(篇二)

在阅读时我们能够全身心的进入书中的那个世界,是一件非常幸福的事情!我们经常需要读大量有深度的书籍,它们是人类知识的总结。在阅读过一篇书籍后内心肯定有属于自己的感悟,写作品的读后感可以增强我们的印象,加深我们的领悟。那么该要如何写好作品读后感呢?下面是小编为您精选的“2022读后感推荐 堂吉诃德读书心得(篇二)”,欢迎阅读,希望小编的分享可以为您带来帮助。





[读书心得分享] 《堂吉诃德》读后感范文其一

通过读书我们能够提高自身的素养,还能够开阔我们的视野。人类的进步,都是与读书相伴而行的。在读过一篇书籍之后人们内心都会有一定的收获和体会,我们也经常会从其他人的读后感中领略到作品的奥妙!写作品的读后感,该从哪些方面着手呢?根据大家的需求,小编特意准备了“[读书心得分享] 《堂吉诃德》读后感范文其一”,欢迎阅读,希望小编的分享可以为您带来帮助。


















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